Research Interests Wireless Communications and Networking I am interested in MAC layer issues for wireless networks. My master's thesis is in the area of wireless communications. I have been working on the problem of efficient slotted multi-access schemes for wireless systems with multi-packet reception capabilities. My thesis advisor was Dr Rohit Negi and thesis reader Dr Ozan Tonguz. H.Pucha, S.M.Das, Dr Y.C.Hu “Exploiting the Synergy between Peer-to-Peer and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proc. of the Ninth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 2003 (USENIX HotOS IX), May 18-21, 2003, Hawaii, USA S.M.Das, R.Belani
and R.Negi, "Random
access for wireless systems with multi-user detectors",
submitted to the IEEE
Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference,VTC-2003
(Fall), October 4-9, 2003, Orlando,
Florida, USA Network Simulation and Modeling I have worked on simulation and design of protocols for military tactical communications using emergent algorithms at the Computer Emergency Response Team. The project is part of the DARPA Survivable Communications Project and my advisor is Dr David Fisher. A paper from my work here has been accepted at the Winter Simulation Conference 2002 at San Diego CA. I have also designed and implemented OptSim (a modular discrete event simulator for optical networks) and used it for performing a study on wavelength conversion deployment in optical networks. S.M.Das, R.Belani, D. Fisher "One to one modeling and simulation of unbounded systems: experiences and lessons", in Proc. IEEE/ACM Winter Simulation Conference 2002 (WSC 02), San Diego, CA, USA, Dec. 8-11, 2002. P2P and Distributed Systems I am interested in optimal and intelligent load distribution schemes for web content. I have worked on the CacheMakers project, where we designed and implemented a co-operative and distributed DNS caching system. The system was built entirely in Java and consisted of CacheMaker servers which are deployed as a decentralized distributed system. The system used a simple hashing algorithm for load balancing and was designed for fault tolerance. The performance results and insights from this work will appear soon. Currently I am working on workload aware request distribution of schemes for downstream caching clustered servers. I am also interested in work on routing in decentralized networks. S.M.Das, R.Belani, M. Imhasly, " CacheMakers : a co-operative DNS caching service", short paper in Proc. of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference 20-24 May 2003, Budapest, Hungary Internet Services I have worked on the design of a Content Delivery Architecture with Guarantees (CDAG). This includes design of the server farm architecture to provide priority and application based switching, enhancements to the server operating system to support QoS by using resource containers in the server operating system. It also involves the design of user-specified QoS and network dependent adaptive FEC technique to provide the required QoS to the local loop providers. In a separate project I also designed, implemented and tested a personalized content distribution and caching scheme using a new concept of web fragments. The high performance optimized webserver and caching nodes were implemented in C on Solaris and the system was deployed and tested between sites at U Chicago and CMU. A paper from this work was accepted at the First Annual Information Networking Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, USA S.M.Das and H. Pucha, "DynCoDe : An Architecture for Transparent Dynamic Content Delivery", short paper in Proc. of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference 20-24 May 2003, Budapest, Hungary S.M.Das and H. Pucha "Experiences with trace based simulation evaluation of internet server systems", submitted to the IEEE/ACM Winter Simulation Conference 2003 (WSC 03), New Orleans, LA, USA, Dec. 7-12, 2003 Presentations : Locality Aware Request Distribution for
Clustered Servers
Operating System Support for Web Services
Scale and Performance in a Distributed
File System Performance Evaluation of Wavelength
Conversion in WDM Networks
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