Introduction : Open loop and closed loop
systems, regulating systems, servo mechanisms, Transfer function & impulse
response of system. Study of components: OP-Amp as differential
amplifier or error detector, stepper motor, synchro control transformer, synchro
control transmitter, potentiometer & two phase servo motor. Modelling of systems: RLC circuits, armature &
field controlled dc motors, importance of a mathematical model. Block diagrams: Various techniques of block
diagram reduction, Masons gain formula & its application to block diagram
reduction. Transient response of systems: Importance
of second order system models, time domain specifications of system &
analysis of transient response using second order model. Steady state error analysis: Types of
systems, steady state error analysis of different types of systems using step,
ramp, parabolic input signals. Stability analysis: Introduction to the
concept of stability, stability analysis using Routh - Hurwitz criterion Frequency domain analysis of systems :
Frequency domain specifications of systems , Resonance peak & peak resonance
frequency regarding complex poles and zeroes, Relationship between time &
frequency domain specification of systems Stability analysis of systems using Bode plots Stability analysis of systems using root locus
& the concepts of dominant, closed loop pole pair Introduction to polar plots Principle of argument & its application to the
study of stability of systems. Constant gain & phase loci & their use in the stability study of systems. |
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