to Microwave Communication Need
for microwave communication, Classification of frequency spectrum. Microwave
Waveguides : Rectangular
and Circular Waveguides. Solutions of wave equations, TE and TM modes, Power
transmission, Power losses. Cavity
Resonators : Analysis of
rectangular cavity resonators, Quality factor of the cavity resonator, different
types of cavities. S
Parameters :
Properties of S - parameters. Microwave Components and their S - matrix
representation. Microwave
Ferrite Devices :
Microwave Vacuum Tubes , Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Travelling Wave Tube and
Magnetron. Microwave
Measurements : Measurement
of frequency, power, wavelength and Standing Wave Ratio. Microwave
Solid State Devices :
Detectors, Gunn Effect, IMPATT and TRAPATT diodes, their description, working
and performance. Optical
Communication : 1. Need
for Optical Communication, types of fibres, total internal reflection,
propagation of light through fibres. 2.
Optical fibre as a cylindrical waveguide, solution of wave equations. TE, TM,
Hybrid and L.P.Modes. 3.
Dispersion in fibres, Losses in fibres. 4.
Optical devices : LED, Laser Diode, Detectors, Connectors and Splices. 5.
Optical communicating systems : Description and Working. 6.
Fabrication of fibre : Different chemical processes for the fabrication of
preforms, fibre drawing. 7. Measurements : Dispersion and Attenuation. |
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