Overview of microcomputer system, Hardware and
Software principles. Introduction to single chip microprocessor Intel
MCS51 family. Architectural and operational features,
instruction set , timings , machine cycles, interrupt structures and priorities,
internal timer / counter, serial interface. connection of external memory, power
saving modes, EPROM programming for EPROM versions Architecture and organisation of 8086/8088
microprocessor : Study of instruction set, assembly language programming,
introduction to mixed language programming using C and assembly languages.8086
minimum and maximum mode operation, timing diagrams, 8288 bus controller.8086
interrupt structure. Memory system design for 8086 : Interface
of dynamic read/write memory, timing for memory interfacing, connection of I/O
controllers,chips:8255,8259,UART 8250 programmable DMA 8237, data
communications, EIA RS-232C & IEEE 488, error detection &
correction--parity & cyclic redundancy check The 8087 Co- Processor : Study of
architecture of 8087 co-processor, host & 8087 interface, assembly language
programming for 8086-8087 interface Introduction to multi processors systems : Multiprocessor configurations, Study of 8289 bus arbiter, deign of 8086 based multi processors systems( without timing considerations) |
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