Silicon Controlled Rectifier : High current
SCR & TRIAC construction, Voltage & current ratings of SCR, turn on,
turnoff, Holding & latching currents, di/dt, dv/dt ratings. Gate
characteristics. Protection of SCR against over current, over voltage, dv/dt, di/dt.
Principles of working of IGBT, its characteristics
& comparison with SCR TRIAC Characteristics, mode of operation & ratings,
principle of working of DIAC, UJT. triggering using DIAC / UJT RC phase shift
network and phase shift bridge SCR applications : Half controlled and full controlled bridge; D.C
power control using SCR-UJT ; Speed torque regulators for DC motors using
SCR-UJT; A.C power control using SCR-UJT; Soft-start circuits Inverter & Chopper : Principles of
operation , series & parallel inverters, simple chopper circuits like Jones
chopper Welding controls : SCR for welding, welding
control circuits, SCR contactor, timers, synchronous timers Regulated power supply: Series voltage
regulator using D.C error amplifier, series losses & zener reference,
comparison of the schematic circuit of IC723 or 3085 , short circuit protection,
current regulators Principles of high frequency heating,
induction, dielectric heating methods Design of SCR D.C . power control circuits Design of A.C power control circuits including triggering circuits. |
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