Materials for resistors. Carbon, wire wound, film etc., conductors and
switches, electrical conductivity of alloys, colour code for resistors, elastic
and plastic deformation of solids, strain hardening, brittleness, fibre
structure and directional properties, annealing, hot and cold working,
soldering, brazing and welding process and materials, fluxes. Semiconductors : Conduction process in
semiconductor, electrical conductivity of p and n type semiconductors, diffusion
process, pn junction and current flow in pn junction., breakdown in pn junction,
hall effect and its measurements. Crystal growth ( especially epitaxial growth ) and
I.C. fabrication. Materials for photoconductive, photoemissive and
solar cell. Dielectric properties of insulators. In static fields, polarization and dielectric
constant. Dielectric constant of gases. The internal field in solids and
liquids. Spontaneous polarization, ferroelectric materials. Types and values of
condensers, temperature compensation, electrolytic capacitors. Insulators - dielectric properties, permitting
polarization, dielectric loss, non linear dielectric material, piezo
electricity, ferro electricity, breakdown of solid insulators. Magnetic properties of materials : The
magnetic dipole moment of current loop, diamagnetism, origin of permanent dipole
moment in matter. Paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, hysteresis, spontaneous
magnetisation and Curie- Weiss law.Ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and
anti-ferromagnetic materials and the effect of hardening. Components : Resistors, thermistors, varistors, selenium surge suppresors, variable resistors, potentiometers, variable capacitors, characteristics of capacitors, inductors, transformers for If and Hf applications, relays, fuses, characteristics, heat sink materials, switches, connectors. |
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