Application of diodes as rectifiers Filter analysis and specifications of the devices
and components required for C, L, LC, CLC & RC filters. Single and double
ended clipping circuits, clamping circuits. Bipolar Junction Transistors : Introduction
to biasing, modelling, Derivation and analysis of different types of transistor
models, viz. h-parameter model, r-parameter model, hybrid pi model, high
frequency model. Analysis of biasing circuits, fixed bias, collector to base
bias and voltage divider bias. Calculation of stability factors. Thermal
stabilisation and compensation, thermal runaway. Amplification, derivation of
expressions for voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance
of CC, CB & CE amplifiers. Field Effect Transistors : Characteristics
and coefficients, biasing circuits for FET amplifiers, AC equivalent circuit of
FET. Derivation of expressions for voltage gain and output impedance of CS, CD
& CG amplifiers. BJT as a switch Analysis in transient and steady state. Design of CE and CS single stage amplifiers. Designing using data sheets of appropriate
components. Voltage Regulators : Analysis of Zener,
Series and shunt type of regulators. |
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