Kinematics of a particle : Velocity and
acceleration in terms of rectangular co-ordinate system. Rectilinear motion,
motion along plane curved path., tangential & normal components of
acceleration, acceleration-time, velocity-time graphs and their uses, projectile
motion, simple harmonic motion. Kinematics of rigid bodies : Translation,
pure rotation & plane motion of rigid bodies, link mechanism, instantaneous
centre of rotation for the velocity & velocity diagrams for bodies in plane
motion, acceleration in plane motion, relative velocities. Kinetics of particles and kinetics of rigid
bodies : D'Alemberts principle, equation of dynamic equilibrium, linear
motion, curvilinear motion, mass moment of inertia about centroidal axis &
about any other axis. D'Alemberts principle for bodies under the motion of
rotation about a fixed axis and plane motion. Application to motion of bars,
cylinders, spheres. Momentum and Energy principles: Linear
momentum, principle of conservation of momentum, work done by a force.
Work-energy equation, principle of conservation of energy, potential and kinetic
energy & power, impact of solid bodies, elastic impact, semi elastic and
plastic impact. Simple Lifting Machines : Mechanical
Advantage, Velocity Ratio & efficiency of the machine, law of machine,
condition of maximum efficiency, self locking of the machine. Following machines
will be studied- a) Single purchase crab, b) Double purchase crab, c)
Differential wheel and axle, d) Differential pulley block, e) worm and worm
wheel, f) Simple screw jack. Stress & Strain : Stress, Strain,
modulus of elasticity, Bulk modulus, yield stress, ultimate stress, factor of
safety, shear stress, Poissons ratio, Bars of varying section, composite
sections, temperature stresses. Belt Friction : Transmission of power by belts and ropes, centrifugal and initial tension in the belts or ropes. Condition for maximum power transmission. Flat belts on flat pulleys & ropes on grooved pulleys. |
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