Subject 1 : Applied Mathematics - II Differential Equations : 1. Exact diff. Equation & those which can be
made exact by use of integrating factor. Integrating factor by inspection,
Linear equations & reducible to linear (Bernoulli eqn.), method of
substitution to reduce the eqn. to one of the above forms. 2. Linear Diff. Eqn. of nth order with constant
coefficients, complimentary function & particular integral when the function
of the integral on the R.H.S. are exponential, Sin(ax + b), Cos(ax + b).Cauchys
Linear equation( Homogenous eqn.). The Legendre Linear equation, Variation of
parameters & method of undetermined coefficients. 3. Elementary application of above diff. Eqn. in
solving engineering problems from Electrical Engg., Chemical Engg., Mechanical
Engg., Civil Engg. Etc. Integral Calculus : Rectification of plane
curves, Double and Triple integrals, Their geometrical interpretation &
evaluation. Evaluation of double integrals by change of order and change to
polar. Application of double and triple integrals to areas, volumes & mass. Beta & Gamma Functions : 1. Beta & Gamma function & their
properties, relation between Beta & Gamma functions. 2. Error Functions. 3. Differentiation under the integral sign. |
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