Theory of production of X-rays : Continuous
and Characteristic X-rays spectra, X-ray diffraction, Laue spots, Braggs law and
Moseleys law. Determination of crystal structure. Braggs spectrometer method and
power method. Optics : Interference in thin film, Newtons
rings and fringes in wedge shaped films. Fraunhoffer diffraction grating ( with
derivation of formula ). Principles of Laser : Spontaneous and
Stimulated radiation, Population inversion, Pumping methods. Ruby and He-Ne
laser, Carbon dioxide laser, Semiconductor lasers ( Dye lasers and holography ). Fibre Optics : Types of optical fibres,
step index and graded index, numerical aperture. Communication through optical fibres Dual nature of matter : DeBroglie waves,
Verification of matter waves, uncertainty principle, electron microscope-
Introduction and application. Detection and measurement of radiation :
Structure of nuclear binding energy, Nuclear fission. Nuclear reactors, Nuclear
fusion. Detection and measurement of nuclear radiation by emulsion plates, cloud
chamber & Bubble chamber. Super Conductivity : Basic theory, Meissner effects, London equation, properties of super conductors. |
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