Elements of Crystal Structure : Packing
Factor, Diamond cubic and Barium Titanate structure, Miller indices, indices of
crystal directions, ligancy and critical radius ratio of ionic crystals, crystal
imperfections, expression of equilibrium, number of point defects. Formation of energy bands and classification of
solids : Conductors, insulators, semi conductors, intrinsic p and n type,
semiconductor diode as a rectifier, npn and pnp transistors. Ultrasonics : Piezoelectric and
magnetostriction effect ,piezoelectric crystals, quartz and ceramics, ultrasonic
transducers, application: echo sounding, thickness measurement, cavitation and
non-destructive testing, flaw detection. Thermoelectric Effect : Law of intermediate
temperatures and metals, neutral temperature and inversion temperature, peltier
effect, thermocouple as a temperature measuring device, semiconductor as a
device to measure temperature.(thermistors) Motion of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields : Magnetic and Electrostatic Focusing, cathode ray tube ,cyclotron, mass spectrograph.( Aston and Bain bridge ). |
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