[Information provided by Cathedral & John Connon Alumni
1860. A full century had passed since the machinations of Clive had got the better of
Siraj-ud-daulah at Plassey. The War for Indian Independence had been unequivocally won by
the British, the last Mughal had been banished to Burma and Queen Victoria had been
proclaimed Empress of India. Educational facilities had to be provided for the children of
the steadily increasing number of English administrators, soldiers and traders who were
coming out to live in India. Indeed this was the year in which Lord Canning issued a
Minute proposing to provide free sites and half the cost of building schools if public
bodies would bear the rest of the expense and undertake their management.
It was in this year that Bishop Harding and the Cathedral Chaplain decided to open a
Grammar School within the walled city of Bombay with Mr. Gilder as the Headmaster. Within
a few months Mr. Gilder was ordained priest and left the school for missionary work, but
this small establishment together with an even smaller school for girls run by Mrs.
Willing were to be the first of many strands which were eventually joined together to form
the Cathedral School as we know it today.
On October 1st, 1875, a Choir School was established with the primary object of providing
choristers for St. Thomas Cathedral. Rev. J.D.Mckay was appointed Headmaster and 26
pupils were put on the rolls immediately. Mrs. Mckay was prepared to undertake the
supervision of a Girls School which would have some connection with the Boys
In the meantime, in 1876 The Bombay Scottish Education Society had been founded. As the
Society did not have a School, the first classes were held in temporary premises in
Meadows Street till a house was hired at 9, Horny Road. Two years later the Adelphi Hotel
in Byculla was purchased for Rs. 50,000, and an additional school was opened there. This
remained the headquarters of the Society till 1881 when a beautiful building was put up on
the Esplanade costing Rs. 87,000. The new school at the Esplanade was named after Mr. John
Connon, a well known philanthropist and Chief Registrar of Bombay. In 1902 the Society
took over the small school conducted by the Wesleyen Church in Colaba Causeway. This
virtually became the kindergarten department of the John Connon School till it was closed
in 1920, when the accommodation became unsuitable. At that time many Europeans lived in
Byculla, and in 1912, the Society decided to build a new School in Agripada, which was
opened by Lord Sydenham.
Byculla was well served by schools in those days. The Bombay Diocesan Society had opened a
High School in Love Lane, in 1878, this school was amalgamated with the Choir School under
the name of the Cathedral High School. Rs. 50,000 was collected by grants and public
subscriptions and the Government Paper purchased with this sum forms the major portion of
the present endowment settled by Trust Deed on the Cathedral High School.
THE CATHEDRAL BOYS SCHOOLThe Government granted permission for a school to be
established at the Esplanade. The funds collected from the public were considerably
enhanced by a generous contribution from the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge.
Unfortunately, it was soon realised that the building on the Esplanade was quite
unsuitable: it was badly planned and allowed no room for expansion, and the thoroughfares
on three sides and the cab stand at the door made it impossible for the master to make
himself heard over the traffic noises. In 1893 the building was sold to the Oriental Life
Assurance Co., and with the proceeds the present Senior School building, a happy blend of
Gothic and Indian architecture, was erected and occupied in 1896.
The management of the school was vested in a Governing Body comprising the Bishop of
Bombay, the Archdeacon, the Senior Presidency Chaplain, the Chaplain of Byculla, the
Garrison Chaplain and five laymen, who had to be members of the Church of England and were
co-opted whenever there was a vacancy.
In 1880, the Girls School was started under the
supervision of Mrs.Evans, wife of the Headmaster of the Boys School. It was housed
in the Old High Court, where the boys had also been shifted temporarily. The girls had to
sit in tiers in a gallery, while the teacher shouted up at them, standing a whole floor
below. In 1883 a house was taken on Elphinstone Circle for the mistresses and the boarders
and the Old High Court was vacated. At the same time negotiations were entered into with
the Sisters of the All Saints Community who were asked to take over the management of the
school, with the Governing body retaining control and direction of the school and the
Senior Presidency Chaplain being responsible for the religious instruction of the pupils.
The number of pupils increased and an Infant School also having been added, it was decided
to utilise the whole building for school purposes, and when even this was found
insufficient, the building on Napier Road which now houses our Middle School, was taken
In 1860 there had been talk of having one big school to serve the needs of all the
European children. Such a plan was found impractical even in those days, and as the number
of European families increased and the residential areas they occupied became more and
more widespread, many small schools, each linked to a particular branch of the Christian
Church sprang up.
All the European Schools had the same broad aims and it was obviously desirable that they
should all maintain the same standards. Moreover it was found that some schools were
cramped for space while others did not have enough pupils to make the schools viable
prevailed when in 1922 an advertisement appeared calling all Scotsmen to attend a public
meeting in the Town Hall.
The Chairman, Sir Norman Mcleod, who was also the Chief Justice, asked the audience to
consider what could be done to save the Scottish Education Society, which was in grave
financial difficulties. After a short preliminary discussion a dour silence fell upon the
assembly which was startlingly broken when Col. Hammond, the Principal of the Cathedral
Boys School, who was attending the meeting, suggested that the Cathedral Schools and
the Scottish Schools should join forces instead of competing against each other. After an
initial pause the idea was applauded enthusiastically and so, was the Anglo-Scottish
Education Society conceived. It took over two years for the legal ramifications of the
amalgamation to be completed, but even before that was achieved the reorganisation of the
schools had been effected, with Col.Hammond as the Principal. The Schools were now divided
Outram Road (Now Purshottamdas Thakurdas Marg) Boys Stds. I, and IV to IX.THE
Napier Road, Kindergarten Department and Girls Stds. I, and IV to IX.JOHN CONNON
Esplanade Road (Now Mahatma Gandhi Road) Boys Stds. I to IV and Girls Stds. II
and III.The Boys School, which included one floor of what is now the Siddharth
College, our present neighbour, had furnished quarters for seven assistant masters, thirty
boarders, and a matron. The Principal also had a comfortable flat in the same premises.
The John Connon provided accommodation for the All Saints Sisters and three
mistresses.At the end of the first years working of the amalgamated schools the
Principal reported that they had 524 pupils on their rolls: 334 boys and 190 girls. These
were classified by race, too: 404 Europeans and Anglo-Indians, 104 Parsees and 16 others.
These included the pupils of the Byculla School (which had been run by the Bombay Scottish
Education Society at the time of the amalgamation). The Byculla School had been reduced to
a Kindergarten School with a Headmistress in charge, the services of the Headmaster having
been dispensed with. Looking at the register one finds a comparatively large number of
native names in the Byculla School, and therefore, it is not surprising to
read that in 1929 it was closed down because the European population whom it was
built to serve has moved from Agripada. There is not sufficient demand to justify the
expense of continuing to run it. In 1930 the building was handed over to the
Missionary Settlement for University Women.The Grand Alliance of 1922 was
almost exactly half-way down the history we are attempting to trace. The latter half of
this saga has three major organisational changes to report: the closing down of the
Boarding establishment, the building of the Malabar Hill Infant School and the
introduction of co-education. The boarding section was closed in 1948. Many of the
Europeans had gone back to England, and since all the boarders had been Europeans, it was
decided to close down that section and relinquish the building which had housed them. Our
head hamal, Bhagwan, remembers working in the Schools dining room, and recalls the
punctiliousness which marked everything run by the British.The Malabar Hill Infant School
was founded in 1965. The building was planned with enough imagination and foresight to be
considered modern even today after twenty years. The thousands of children who have passed
through it will always cherish their memories of it, and this is probably due in large
measure to the grace and charm of the lady who was Headmistress of this establishment for
a long time, Mrs. Uma Bannerjee.
In the sixties, co-education was still viewed with trepidation, and when in 1965, the
Principal, Rev. Ridding, stated that the only way to solve the financial and
organisational problems of the school was to make it co-educational, many parents thought
that he was embarking on a course he would not be able to control, and some parents
withdrew their children. In fact, some people felt so strongly about it that they went to
court to stop the school from proceeding with these plans. Justice Lentin, (a name which
was to become synonymous with courageous judgements two decades later) weighed the legal
points carefully and pronounced that the School had every right to introduce co-education
if it so wished. Armed with this judgements, Rev. Mr. Ridding, who was firmly committed to
his plan, managed to convince a sufficient number of the Board members and the parents to
bring it into effect. The merger was more smoothly processed than had been
feared possible, and within a couple of years the boys and girls found it difficult to
believe that there had been a time when they had studied in separate buildings. And some
of the parents who had withdrawn their children brought them back !Today the old
Boys School is the Senior School with classes from Stds. VIII to XII, with four
sections in each except the two highest; the old Girls School is the Middle School
with classes fromStds. V to VII; the John Connon School is the Junior School, where we
have pupils in Stds. III to IV; and the Malabar Hill School has Transition Classes and
three sections each of Standards I and II.